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Bon à savoir


(Rouge, Vert, Bleu) est une technologie qui combine ces trois couleurs primaires pour créer une infinité de nuances lumineuses.


(RGB avec Contrôle Individuel) permet de contrôler individuellement chaque segment lumineux.


(Correlated Color Temperature) permet de régler la température de couleur d’une lumière, allant du blanc chaud au blanc froid.

K (kelvin)

est l'unité de mesure de la température de couleur de la lumière, indiquant si un éclairage est chaud ou froid. Ex : 4000K = Blanc chaud

Ils nous en fais confiance


Smart Home Assistant

“This smart home assistant has become very important part of my daily routine. From managing my schedule and setting reminders to controlling smart home devices and answering questions.”

Willie Bradley

/ Reporter
Smart Home Assistant

“This smart home assistant has become very important part of my daily routine. From managing my schedule and setting reminders to controlling smart home devices and answering questions.”

Willie Bradley

/ Reporter
Smart Home Assistant

“This smart home assistant has become very important part of my daily routine. From managing my schedule and setting reminders to controlling smart home devices and answering questions.”

Willie Bradley

/ Reporter
Smart Home Assistant

“This smart home assistant has become very important part of my daily routine. From managing my schedule and setting reminders to controlling smart home devices and answering questions.”

Willie Bradley

/ Reporter
Smart Home Assistant

“This smart home assistant has become very important part of my daily routine. From managing my schedule and setting reminders to controlling smart home devices and answering questions.”

Willie Bradley

/ Reporter
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